GS1 Handy

GS1 Handy is a cutting-edge GS12 Compliant label printing data terminal to print and archive logistic and trade item units within a supply chain with ease and simplicity. Such labels make it possible to track and trace items within the supply chain.


Barcode Printing: Easy and quick printing of correct barcodes for logistic units that comply with GS1 Labelling standereds (e.g. SSCC - Serial Shipping cointainer Code, GTIN, GLN, AI). Its is possible to enter the data need for generating a label along with secondary information like batch/lot number, weight, count etc. Barcode carrying the above mentioned details, with their application indentifiers, will be present on a label on shipper pack using GS1 - 128 symbologies. 

Logistic Units / Product Database: Exchanging and archiving data on logistic platform ensures that all the unit information (GTIN, Product Description, Code, Packaging etc) is correct and enhances safety of movement of goods and Supply Chain Management.

Wireless Integration Module: Its a solution integrated with GS1 Handy that supports full integration with GPS / GPRS platform to facilate real time data exchage and validate the backend database systems runing on ORACLE, SAP, SQL Server or any other contemporary database pltform. This modules enables you to post transactions / manifest of every logistic unit to its central databases runing on SAP, SQL Server, ORACLE or dump transactions on any ftp server,
Weighing Scale Interface: It provides standalone integration for in-line weighing and piece count data to be incorporated as secondary information on the logistic unit.


This is a compleatly custom machine and any changes can be done for requirement of industrial needs.

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